Saturday, November 14, 2009

Brian's Motorcycle Accident!

So, most of you already know that Brian was in a motorcycle accid
ent Thursday afternoon. Brian and Brendan were out riding when Brian ran into a single strand of barbed wire that was strung across a dirt road with no signs or flags to let anyone know it was there. I know, retarded huh!? Brian of course didn't see it until it was too late (while he thought, "oh crap, this is gonna hurt") and he ran right into it. The silver lining of the whole thing was that he was on a motorcycle and not on the four-wheeler because if he had been a few inches lower it would have hit his neck, and with what it did to his arm it looks like it would have been pretty bad! THANK GOODNESS he was able to walk away from this! SO, they drove to a nearby house to get a ride back to Brendan's and then made their way to the hospital. I didn't realize how bad it was until I got to the hospital and saw my badly banged up husband in a wheel chair! Brian was in a lot of pain but was still cracking jokes and from what I hear was even well enough to flirt with a nurse :)! But anyway's, all in all he ended up getting 25 stitches, 21 staples, and a broken toe. Poor guy! He is doing okay, but still in a lot of pain! So, here are some pictures that
Brendan and Katie got of the gross bloody arm!
Oh, and a BIG thank you to Brendan for taking care of Brian and staying with him all night in the E.R.!

Here's his before picture!
WARNING, VERY gross pictures!
Look Away

His Poor swollen foot and broken toe